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Account Information
Contact Information
Enter the name of the primary contact for this Project.
Enter the email address for the primary contact for this Project.
Enter the phone number for the primary contact for this Project.
Enter the first name of the Principal Investigator of this Project.
Enter the last name of the Principal Investigator of this Project.
Enter the email address for the Principal Investigator of this Project.
Enter the phone number for the Principal Investigator of this Project.
Project Information
Enter the name for this Project.
Project Type *
Select the type of project from the list, or select "Other..." and specify in the text field.
Species *
Select the species from the list, or select "Other..." and specify in the text field.
Select the requested workflow from the list.
Sample Information
How many samples are you submitting?

Enter sample details in the table fields below, or use the "Import Samples" feature (click "? Help" for instructions).


Please use only letters, numbers, -, and _ in sample names. Do not include spaces or any ofthe following characters in sample names: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = \ / : ; . , " < > | ? ' . Please edit the table below and try resubmitting.

Sample Number Sample Name * Sample Volume (μl) Sample Concentration (ng/μl)
Please specify how many samples to add.
How many QC files are being submitted?
Enter any additional comments that are pertinent to the project that the IIHG Genomics Division should be aware of.

(*Bioinformatics Division fees will apply)

Contact us to schedule a time to drop off your samples at the Genomics Division Lab (116 EMRB).